We still have more time to save this earth, together!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Technologies Can Save Earth From Global Warming

Global warming has already happened. Everybody feels the negative impact of global warming. Some solutions have been proposed. However, it can really save earth instantly. It needs a process and time to recover this earth. This earth will decay as the time goes by. Fortunately, we have some technologies that can help us from the impact of global warming. Let's share together.
1. Desalination. What does it mean? Desalination means that removing salt from sea. Like what we have discussed in last posting, about water and its video that I have put, we will face the crisis of fresh and clean water in the middle of this century. So, with this technology called desalination, we used sea water to supply our needs of water in our life. Desalination removes salt and mineral matter in sea water. So, we can use this water for drink and other daily needs. However, this technology is too expensive and requires much energy. Scientist is trying to develop this technology to better, not too expensive and less energy.
2. Thermodepolymerization. With this technology, we can use waste for producing oil. The carbon-based-waste are heated and give a pressure. Finally, it will produce oil. The scientist experiment that has been succeed is from the waste of "ayam kalkun" can produce 600 pon petroleum.
In fact, technology can save the earth from global warming. Give applause to technology and scientist!!!! Prok prok prok prok prok !!!!! Let's share if you have additional information about this!! However, we have to stop global warming. The way we stop it is with being environmental friendly start from now. Go environmental friendly!! Go !! Go !! Go !! Go !!


  1. Thank you for your posting dedep..it helps me to know more about technology that can save earth from global warming. However, as "orang awam" it is difficult to apply them, right! so what's your respond about that?

  2. Hai Dedep.. i am in love with this article. Hmm by the way,the scientist is still trying to make desalination better (not need musch energy and money), is there any result on it?

  3. wah
    sounds unfamiliar and difficult to remember
    but thanks to bring these suggestions in your post
    i get valuable info about saving earth from global warming using technology
    pdahal i used to think that technology itself as the factor of causing global warming

  4. wahhh thank you dedep you give me a new thing
    i agree with kitty unfamiliar and difficult to remember but it is very sophisticated for me.

    most of use believe that global warming affect because of the technology but the scientist made a technology which can save our earth.
    really really awesome.
    your post is very educated

  5. Yani: You are very welcome yani :-)). Well Yani, I think these technologies are used by some scientist who are expert about this. These technologies are so expensive. Some scientist are still trying to make it powerful but less energy. These technologies are for those who are expert about this. They have jobs to create this to save us from the negative impact of global warming. For us as "orang awam", just follow tips that I have posted in last post. The title is "tips to prevent global warming". Just do that. This is just to inform you, not to be used by "orang awam". Let's scientist do this. We just anything that we can do. In fact, like what I have written in last post, it is easy, right?

  6. Endang: Based on the most up-to-date data, the scientists are still trying to make it better and less energy. They still trying to discover it as best as they could I think. If you are interested in, have a high curiosity about this, just learn deeper! Impossible is nothing. Maybe someday someone from SSE students will discover the better technologies that can be a solution or global warming. Yes, we can !!! Just do as best as we could. :-))))

  7. Unie and Ovnica: you are very welcome Uni and Ovnica. So, start from now, as an educated people (especially study and will graduate from SSE) we do not blame on something that we have not got the data about it. Hehehe. So, don't blame on technology yaaa,, as factor that cause global warming. Actually, not only technologies but also humans contribute emissions gasses that dangerous and effect global warming. I want to emphasize something. Technology, although it causes global warming has given contribution and hard effort to still save this our lovely planet. How about us? humans? humans cause global warming but have you as a human do something to save the earth as technology do for earth? hehe just ask yourself and myself also. So, what are you waiting for? start from now, just follow the tips that I have posted. I believe, humans can do as what technology do. Even, humans can do much better than what technology do. Right? Go environmental friendly !!! Go !! Go !! cheers :-))))
